
Terms and conditions

Welcome to our website.

These terms and conditions of use constitute a legal contract between you and S.R.L H.A WIN. By using this Site, you agree to its terms of use. Otherwise, please do not use this Site. The site distributes cosmetics, hygiene and make-up products as well as organic and ecological products.

These general conditions of sale apply to all orders placed on the website

S.R.L H.A WIN reserves the right to adapt or modify these general conditions of sale at any time. In the event of modification, the general conditions of sale in force on the day of the order will be applied to each order.

1- General conditions: Acceptance and application

The buyer acknowledges having read the general conditions of sale clearly set out by S.R.L H.A WIN for its site: “” and accepts them without reservation when placing the order. These general conditions of sale will prevail over any other condition appearing in any other document, except prior, express and written derogation.

The legal information concerning the S.R.L H.A WIN is available on the corresponding page and the buyer is defined below as being the company or the person signing and accepting these conditions of sale. The buyer declares to have the capacity to contract under the conditions described below, i.e. to be of legal majority and not to be under guardianship or curatorship. Before placing his order, the buyer acknowledges having read these General Conditions of Sale.

Any order for a product offered on the site presupposes the consultation and express acceptance of these general conditions of sale, without however this acceptance being conditioned by a handwritten signature on the part of the user in the sense that it is reminded that, the validation of the purchase order constitutes in itself an electronic signature which has, between the parties, the same value as a handwritten signature.

2 – Order

The automatic registration systems communicated by Internet as well as the order forms sent by the customer by mail are considered as proof of the nature, content and date of the order. In the event of an order by Internet, S.R.L H.A WIN confirms the acceptance of its order to the customer at the email address indicated by the customer.

After having read the status of his order, and once all the information requested has been completed by the buyer, he can validate his order to pay for it. He will choose the means of payment he wishes to use to pay for his order, it being understood that the buyer must have this means of payment.

The sale will only be considered final after the order confirmation has been sent to the buyer by S.R.L H.A WIN via and the latter has collected the full price. S.R.L H.A WIN recommends that the Buyer keep this information in a paper or computer document. S.R.L H.A WIN reserves the right to cancel any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order totally or partially unpaid.

3 – Price

On our electronic catalog “” the prices are always indicated in Euros and/or in American Dollar (USD) all taxes included (V.A.T.), only the routing remains the responsibility of the buyer if the amount of his invoice does not reach the amount giving right to free shipping.

S.R.L H.A WIN reserves the right to modify its prices and services at any time, the products invoiced will be the prices announced on the electronic price list of “” in force at the time of the registration of the orders. The products remain the property of the company S.R.L H.A WIN until full payment of their price. The prices are expressed in Euros and/or in American Dollar (USD). Transactions are always carried out in Euros and/or in American Dollars (USD). The price indicated on the product sheet does not include the cost of transport.

The price indicated in the order confirmation is the final price. In addition, it includes VAT, shipping, handling and packaging costs.

All forms of reductions or advantages apply only to the value of the products and in no case to the value of the participation in shipping costs.

4 – Availability of ordered products

In the event of temporary unavailability, S.R.L H.A WIN will notify the buyer by e-mail, who will have one working week (excluding weekends and public holidays) to request the cancellation or exchange of his order by contacting our customer service contact via email. S.R.L H.A WIN reserves an additional week for the processing of the order. If a product is definitively unavailable after placing his order, the buyer will be informed in the same way by e-mail or by telephone of the articles in definitive rupture.

If no request from the buyer is observed after this period, the order will then be sent to him with the available items and only these items will be invoiced.

The products are offered within the limits of available stocks. In case of unavailability of one of the products, the buyer will be informed as soon as possible. This information may be notified to him, as far as possible, in the following manner:

– when establishing his order;

– following the validation of his order, prior to delivery, by e-mail. S.R.L H.A WIN will then take the necessary steps to subtract the price(s) of the unavailable product(s) from the amount withdrawn from the buyer’s bank account, if payment has been made by credit card.

5 – Delivery

S.R.L H.A WIN will deliver the buyer to the address he will have indicated on his order. If the buyer indicates an incorrect or incomplete address, he will be held responsible for the impossibility of delivering the order. If your parcel comes back to us because of an incorrect or incomplete address and because of non-complaint with the trade or post of withdrawal after a pending setting, the postage costs of reshipment will be at your expense whatever the amount of your order. according to the rate in force for your country code.

Any delay in delivery does not entitle the buyer to claim compensation for damages. The buyer must, upon receipt of his delivery, check the good condition of the package and, if necessary, must express reservations to the delivery person or refuse delivery.

The following are judged as cases of force majeure releasing S.R.L H.A WIN from its obligation to deliver: war, riot, fire, strikes, accidents and the impossibility of delivery.

Always check your package upon arrival. If you have the slightest doubt upon receipt of the parcel on the condition of the said parcel, it is up to you to refuse it, otherwise S.R.L H.A WIN will not be able to refund your parcel.

The time between the order by the customer and the delivery of the goods depends on the method of payment chosen by the customer.

For reasons of order preparation and product availability (out of stock, production stoppage, etc.), an order may be delivered in several installments to the customer, who will only pay the delivery costs once.

Any overrun of the estimated delivery times cannot give rise to damages, withholding or cancellation of the order by the buyer.

In any case, S.R.L H.A WIN undertakes to deliver the products ordered within a maximum period of thirty days from the day following that on which the buyer registered his order, subject to full payment of the price.

In the absence of delivery at the end of this period, the buyer will have the possibility of canceling his order. The sums paid by the buyer will then be returned to him without delay, to the exclusion of any other compensation. In the event of a delay in delivery in relation to the date initially fixed, the buyer must notify the S.R.L H.A WIN in writing (mail, email) in order to improve the quality of service which may be offered to him and to allow the S.R.L H.A WIN to carry out an investigation with the carrier. The use of a commercial offer (reduction, loyalty points, sponsorship or gift voucher) cannot be considered as a means of payment and does not give rise to any right to free shipping costs.

Delivery services, regardless of the service provider selected, require an electronic postal address and a valid telephone number to allow the delivery to proceed smoothly.

The products will be sent to the delivery address that the buyer has indicated during the ordering process, taking into account the essential information which is the electronic postal address and the valid telephone number of the buyer. In the event of an error in the wording of the recipient’s contact details, the electronic postal address and/or the valid telephone number of the buyer, the seller cannot be held responsible for the impossibility in which it could be to deliver the product(s).

If your package comes back to us after the legal deadlines for complaints, you will be responsible for the return postage, regardless of the amount of your order, depending on the rate in effect for your country code.

6 – Delivery problems due to the carrier

Any anomaly concerning the delivery (missing product and appearing on the delivery note, damaged package, broken products, damage, etc.) detected during the delivery of the package will have given rise to a refusal of the package by the customer. The refused package will be returned automatically to the premises of S.R.L H.A WIN and will give rise, with the accord of the customer, to a new shipment of the order.

Any anomaly concerning the delivery (missing product and appearing on the delivery note, damaged package, broken products, damage, …) detected after the delivery of the package must be reported to the customer service of S.R.L H.A WIN, by e-mail or by telephone.

In case of non-receipt of the package, the buyer must contact the customer service of S.R.L H.A WIN by e-mail or by telephone. At our request, the Service Provider selected for carrying out the delivery, will initiate an investigation in its departments and if, at the end of a period of 21 days, the package is not found, we will send again either the same product or , with the prior agreement of the customer, a similar product. The shipping costs would then be at our expense.

7 – Return of goods

We are committed to providing you with complete satisfaction for all of our products. In accordance with the legislation governing mail order sales in force for online sales, you have the option of returning any item to us at our address S.R.L H.A WIN Rue Abbé Cuypers, 3 Brussels, BE 1040 within 14 days of the date of delivery by being fully reimbursed for the price of the article concerned by bank transfer.

However, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts for the supply of goods which have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.

The costs of packaging and return shipment to S.R.L H.A WIN are the responsibility of the buyer, who must ensure that his packaging will be strong enough to allow receipt of the products in perfect condition at the premises of S.R.L H.A WIN. We advise you to use, like us, parcels with delivery against signature which allow you to have proof of delivery.

8 – Payment of invoices

Any customer placing an order will be responsible for their payment even if they request that their order be delivered to another address.

9- Secure payment

Payments are secured by a powerful universal system. Encryption process ensuring that the Bank Card Number entered is only known to the payment services authorizing and enabling the transaction. S.R.L H.A WIN will only take an order into account when the bank payment centers concerned have given their agreement. In the event of refusal by the said centers, the customer will be notified by e-mail that his order will be automatically cancelled.

10 – Satisfied or refunded

The buyer has a period of 14 days from the delivery of the order to return any product that does not suit him.

The buyer can either exchange all or part of his order, or be reimbursed provided that the returned products are in perfect condition as specified in the paragraph “Return of Goods”. S.R.L H.A WIN will make a credit note on a next order, or a refund by bank transfer, at the customer’s convenience.

11 – Applicable law of disputes

In all cases of dispute, S.R.L H.A WIN undertakes to do everything possible to find an amicable solution.

This contract is subject to Belgian law. S.R.L H.A WIN cannot be held liable for damages of any kind, whether material, immaterial or bodily, which could result from a malfunction or misuse of the products marketed.

The liability of the company S.R.L H.A WIN will, in any case, be limited to the amount of the order and cannot be blamed for simple errors or omissions which may have remained despite all the precautions taken in the presentation of the products. In all cases, S.R.L H.A WIN cannot be held responsible for non-compliance with the regulations and laws in force in the country of receipt, its liability is systematically limited to the value of the product in question, value on its date of sale. and this without the possibility of recourse to the brand or the company producing the product.

12 – Personal information

S.R.L H.A WIN undertakes not to disclose confidential information provided by buyers and visitors to its site. They will only be used for processing the order.

This article cannot prevent the assignment or transfer of activities to a third party.

12.1. Data controller

Personal data concerning the Customer is collected by S.R.L H.A WIN.

12.2. Data collected and purpose

The personal data collected concerning the Customer, through the use of the site include his name, first name, address, telephone number, IP address, purchase history, browsing history.

This data thus collected is necessary for:

 – Provide the products or services ordered or offered by the site;

 – Allow the Customer to manage his account;

 – Monitor and manage the commercial relationship between the Customer and the Seller, namely in particular monitoring the execution of orders, deliveries, invoicing and managing any disputes;

 – Manage the authorizations that the Customer grants concerning the use of his personal data, in particular concerning the sending of newsletters and commercial solicitations by electronic means;

 – The needs related to the provision of evidence to be provided (proof of transactions, deliveries, etc.);

 – Fight against fraud during payment or delivery operations;

 – Implement the necessary security measures.

Mandatory personal data is identified on the collection form by an asterisk, other mandatory data may be collected through the use of the site. Failing this, the Seller will not be able to provide the products or services corresponding to the above purposes.

12.3. Commercial solicitations by electronic means (SMS, e-mail)

The Seller reminds the Customer that unless the latter objects, he can receive information on the products or services offered by the site as well as information on events/news on the site. The Customer may object at any time to the receipt of offers or information from the site at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link on the message reserved for this purpose at the bottom of the message for any solicitation. electronically.

12.4. The recipients

The data processed is intended for the site (customer service, preparation service, etc.) and service providers involved in order processing, such as the Seller’s service provider(s) concerning delivery.

12.5. The duration of the conversation

The data collected concerning the Customer is kept for the duration necessary for the fulfillment of the above purposes, plus the applicable legal limitation period, within the limits of what is authorized by law and any mandatory regulatory provisions.

The Customer has the rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition provided for by law and can exercise his rights via a signed request, accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document addressed to:

 – S.R.L H.A WIN Rue Abbé Cuypers, 3Brussels, BE 1040

 – By e-mail:

12.6. Transfer outside the European Union

For the fulfillment of the defined purposes, the site may transfer some of the Customer’s personal data to a country located outside the European Union that does not have the appropriate level of protection concerning the protection of personal data. Before any transfer of personal data outside the EU, the site ensures that it has implemented the guarantees required to supervise such transfers.

Transfers outside the European Union may be made in particular for the needs of Customer Service and IT services provided by our service providers as well as for the use of data in connection with social networks.

13 – Cookies

S.R.L H.A WIN reserves the right to install cookies in the computer of visitors to its website. a cookie does not allow us to identify you. It is a computer file, stored on the hard disk of the user’s microcomputer. Its purpose is to signal a previous visit by the user to the site. Cookies are only used by S.R.L H.A WIN for the purpose of personalizing the service offered to the user. The data concerned are in no way transferred to third parties or shared.

13.1. The use of cookies during your visit to our site

To allow customers of the site to benefit from the services offered by the site such as consultation, registration for the services offered, video playback, etc… the optimization of its use and its personalization (in particular customization) depending on the user, the site uses Cookies.

Unless the Customer decides to deactivate cookies, he accepts that the site can use them. He can deactivate these cookies at any time and this free of charge from the deactivation possibilities offered to him and recalled below, knowing that this may reduce or prevent accessibility to all or part of the Services offered by the site. .

13.2. Cookies: definition and usefulness

When consulting the site, information relating to the navigation of the Customer’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on the site may be recorded in text files called “Cookies”, installed on his browser. Cookies will be used to recognize its browser during the period of validity of the cookie concerned.

Only the issuer of the cookie concerned is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

Some cookies are essential for the use of the site, others make it possible to optimize the use of the site and to personalize the content displayed, thus cookies allow:

– To measure and analyze the frequentation and use of the site, its sections and Services offered, allowing us to carry out studies and improve the interest and ergonomics of the site and the Seller Services;

– To memorize the display preferences of the Customer’s browser (language used, display settings, operating system used, etc.) and to adapt the presentation of the site when visiting, according to the viewing or reading hardware and software contained in his terminal and which are used for browsing the site;

– To memorize information relating, for example, to a form that the Customer has completed or to a service (registration, access to your account) or information that he has chosen (subscribed services, contents of his basket);

– To allow the Customer to access reserved areas of the site or the Seller’s Services, such as your personal account, using identifiers or personal data concerning the Customer previously communicated, allowing him, if necessary, to access personalized content;

– To implement security measures.

13.3. Cookies integrated into third-party applications on the site or the Services

The Seller is likely to include on its site computer applications from third parties, which allow it to share content from the site with other people or to inform these other people of the Customer’s consultations or opinions regarding content on the site. This is particularly the case with the “Share” and “Like” buttons from social networks such as “Facebook”, “Twitter”, “Pinterest” or “Google+”.

The social network (if session open on the browser) is likely to identify the Customer using this button, even if the Customer did not use it when consulting the site. This type of application button can allow the social network concerned to follow navigation on the site, simply because the social network account is activated on the Customer’s browser (open session) while browsing on the hawinstore site. com.

The Seller has no control over the process used by social networks to collect information relating to the Customer’s browsing on the site and associated with the personal data they have. The Seller recommends that the Customer consult the conditions of use of their data on these social networks to find out the purposes of use, in particular advertising, the navigation information that they can collect thanks to these application buttons. The Customer should ensure that the conditions of use of these social networks allow him to supervise and restrict the use of his data by these social networks, in particular by setting up his user accounts with them. .

13.4. Management and use of cookies

The Customer can manage and modify the use of cookies at any time according to the options listed below.

The settings that the Customer makes are likely to modify his browsing on the Internet and his conditions of access and use of certain services of the site which require the use of cookies.

Thus the Customer can manage his cookies:

– from its navigation software, or

– when it is proposed to him from a link present in the list below.

Please note: the taking into account of the Customer’s unsubscription is based on a cookie. Consequently, if the Customer deactivates all cookies on his terminal or if he changes the terminal, the Seller will no longer know that the Customer has chosen this option.

Reminder of the management of cookies from the navigation software: the Customer can configure his navigation software so that Cookies are saved in his terminal or that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer.

14 – Intellectual Property

All elements of the site are the exclusive intellectual property of S.R.L H.A WIN. No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, redistribute, or use for any reason whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site whether software, visual or sound.
