
Diet Plan for Weight Loss: 10 Foods to Help You Slim Down

Diet Plan for Weight Loss: 10 Foods to Help You Slim Down

You’ve been working hard to lose weight, and dieting has helped you shed some pounds already! Now it’s time to ramp up your efforts and shed the rest of the weight that’s been keeping you from your dream body.

It’s time to implement a diet plan for weight loss that will help you reach your goal faster than ever! That’s why we compiled this list of 10 foods that can help you lose weight quickly.

Combined with the right exercise plan, they can help you make significant progress toward losing weight without slowing down or feeling hungry all the time!

1) Fatty Fish

Oily fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, and trout are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. There is strong evidence that increasing your omega-3 intake reduces belly fat.

One study found people who regularly consumed seafood had less than half a pound of abdominal fat per year. Omega-3s also encourage your body to use stored body fat as fuel, further boosting weight loss results.

Plus, they help you feel full longer and fend off cravings. Best of all? Your body doesn’t store these beneficial fats—they’re available when you need them!

2) Eggs

Eggs are a terrific start to your weight-loss diet. They’re loaded with many vitamins and nutrients, but most importantly they contain protein—which will help keep you full when you’re trying to lose weight.

Healthy fats in eggs can also keep you feeling fuller longer, meaning eggs can be part of a very healthy breakfast if eaten with some fruit and whole-grain toast.

Watch out though, egg yolks do contain cholesterol so it’s best not to overdo it with these guys. Six eggs are fine now and then but anything more than that can kick up cholesterol levels quite quickly.

Low-cholesterol egg whites work just as well as whole eggs for most recipes too, so look into replacing whole eggs with egg whites where possible.

3) Quinoa

If you’ve got a hankering for a carb-filled dinner, quinoa might be your answer. A member of the seed family, quinoa is a complex carbohydrate that boasts an impressive 4.7 grams of protein per cooked cup—and it’s gluten-free.

According to registered dietitian and exercise physiologist Joseph Agu, RD, it also contains high levels of Vitamin B6 and magnesium (two nutrients associated with metabolism).

To make matters even better, one cup contains 222 milligrams of disease-fighting antioxidant redox superoxide dismutase (SOD), which protects your cells from damage and also curbs cravings.

One caveat: You’ll need to soak overnight before cooking; otherwise, you won’t get much nutrition from cooked quinoa.

4) Yogurt

At about 20 calories per half cup, plain Greek yogurt is a great weight loss food that will fill you up. Eat it on its own or as a dessert topping with fresh fruit. Some flavors can be higher in fat, so if you’re trying to lose weight it’s best to avoid those and stick with non-fat yogurt.

Plain Greek yogurt has added protein and probiotics — healthy bacteria your body craves when its natural flora is out of balance.

Probiotics aid digestion and can help with immune issues, yeast infections, allergies, and even bad breath! If you don’t like Greek yogurt varieties, try low-fat vanilla or even flaxseed-flavored ones while keeping an eye on calories. Better yet, try them all!

5) Berries

Berries have been shown to help regulate blood sugar, keep you fuller longer, and reduce inflammation. Some of these benefits are due to their high antioxidant content, which helps scavenge free radicals in your body that contribute to obesity.

When paired with a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, berries can be powerful weapons against weight gain. Berries also help improve insulin sensitivity and overall blood sugar levels, especially in people with diabetes.

Keep frozen berries on hand so you can easily whip up a smoothie at home or bring them along when you’re going out for lunch or dinner.

6) Nuts and Seeds

Nuts, seeds, and legumes are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats—nutrients essential for weight loss. When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to reduce your consumption of food high in saturated fat (like meat) and instead focus on eating protein-rich foods like nuts, seeds, and legumes.

Eating smaller portions of fatty foods can help you slim down while preventing you from feeling ravenous later on.

For example, an ounce of pistachios has fewer than 200 calories; peanuts contain approximately 166 calories per ounce, and an ounce of cashews has about 143 calories.

7) Avocado

It’s a weight-loss superstar because it’s loaded with healthy fats that keep you feeling full. One study found that eating half an avocado with lunch helped overweight people feel more satiated than those who ate just a salad.

What’s more? Those healthy fats increase levels of bad cholesterol, which is linked to obesity and heart disease.

Avocados are rich in potassium, too, which has been linked to lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of stroke, according to The American Heart Association. (These are other heart-healthy foods that can help you burn belly fat.)

8) Broccoli

Broccoli is one of our favorite diet foods that we like to order at restaurants. Why? Because it’s high in fiber and low in calories.

Calorie-for-calorie, broccoli contains more protein than almost any other food out there (3 grams per cup).

Protein keeps us feeling full and satisfied longer, helps us build lean muscle, boosts metabolism, and might even help burn more calories—that’s why it’s a key component of many weights loss plans.

If you add enough steamed or grilled chicken breast or salmon on top of your pile of broccoli, you’ll have an awesome meal that will fill you up with fewer calories and less fat.

9) Bananas

According to a study in Obstetrics & Gynecology, bananas can be particularly helpful when you’re trying to lose weight.

Women who ate at least three bananas a week were able to reduce their risk of unwanted weight gain by 20 percent.

Why? Bananas are naturally rich in resistant starch—the kind that slows down digestion and keeps you feeling full longer than other carbs.

They’re also high in potassium, which is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

Fill up on banana bread, mashed bananas, or try freezing them into popsicles using your favorite fruit juice as a base. Opting for one of these natural treats is sure to keep your cravings at bay!

10) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a delicious and healthy way to kick off your day. One bowl of oatmeal provides a lot of satiating fiber that can help keep you feeling full longer.

Oats are also a great source of manganese, an essential mineral that helps boost metabolism, promote bone health and improve insulin response in diabetics.

Better yet, studies show that eating oatmeal can lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease—two factors that are particularly important when dieting to lose weight.

Nuts provide a satisfying crunch on the go, plus they’re nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

At just 5 calories per ounce, nuts offer healthy fats at just 130 calories per 1/4 cup serving size.

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