
Le Top 10 des Aliments pour une Alimentation Saine pour l'Été

The Top 10 Foods for a Healthy Diet for Summer

When the weather heats up, many people choose to make healthier food choices to stay cool and hydrated all summer long.

The choices you make can have a huge impact on your energy levels and overall well-being, which means that this is the perfect time to make some positive changes in your diet that will benefit you year-round.

Here are 10 foods that will help you lead a healthy lifestyle this summer.

1) Strawberries

Strawberries are one of the summer’s greatest pleasures. Rich in antioxidants, they fight free radicals, keeping us young and healthy-looking.

They are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which keeps our immune system strong and wards off colds and other illnesses.

And eating strawberries has been linked to improving memory function as we age—just make sure you eat them in moderation so you don’t end up with strawberry butt (ouch).

The key is moderation: keep serving sizes at no more than 1 cup per day; otherwise, you may experience bloating, flatulence or diarrhea.

2) Carrots

Carrots are great eaten raw and will help keep your eyes healthy in addition to keeping your energy levels up.

Carrots also contain lots of vitamin A, which can prevent lung cancer and cataracts. That’s not to mention their ability to heal sores on your skin when applied topically.

Carrots don’t have any fat or cholesterol either, so they won’t lead to weight gain or health problems like other snack foods may cause.

It’s recommended that you eat 1-2 servings of carrots per day if you want to incorporate them into your diet plan; consume them as much as possible!

They’re high in fiber, meaning they can reduce blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol, and increase good cholesterol.

They’re also rich in antioxidants, beta carotene (which is converted to Vitamin A), vitamins C and K, folate (which reduces heart disease risk), and potassium.

You should add these sweet vegetables to your diet plan if you haven’t already!

3) Spinach

It’s an excellent source of folate, which helps boost bone health, especially if you’re planning to spend time poolside.

Also rich in iron and protein, spinach will help keep your energy levels high so you can take on summer activities with ease.

While it does contain oxalic acid (which limits its absorption), spinach is also a good source of calcium, magnesium, and vitamins K and C — all great nutrients for strong bones and muscles.

Be sure to try some fresh baby spinach; its delicate flavor makes it one of our favorite greens!

4) Salmon

Salmon is not only packed with omega-3s but also protein and other nutrients that can help keep you healthy.

It’s easy to cook and works well in a variety of dishes, so it’s hard to go wrong with it! Cooked salmon is great on its own or served over brown rice as part of an Asian-inspired stir fry.

If grilling’s more your thing, try broiling salmon steaks with olive oil, salt, and pepper and serve alongside some asparagus.

Or whip up an easy dinner by marinating salmon in Greek yogurt or Italian dressing before baking it.

5) Broccoli

One of nature’s wonder foods, broccoli is an absolute essential if you’re looking to eat more healthily in summer.

Not only is it packed with vitamin C and calcium but it’s also rich in antioxidants, which help prevent damage to your cells – especially important in summer when we tend to be more exposed to UV rays and other sources of cell-damaging radiation.

Furthermore, broccoli contains phytochemicals that help fight cancer and antioxidants which protect against heart disease. Our recommendation? Eat lots of broccoli – just steaming it won’t do.

6) Pineapple

Pineapple is a nutritional powerhouse—and it can help with weight loss too. A good way to use pineapple for weight loss is to drink pineapple juice.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which breaks down protein and fat cells in your digestive tract, leading to better digestion.

And because bromelain inhibits blood clotting, it helps reduce inflammation in your body that can make you feel puffy.

When purchasing pineapple, remember that riper fruit has more bromelain and might be slightly sweeter; unripe pineapple may contain more fiber but not as much of other nutrients.

7) Beans

Beans are a good source of protein, potassium, folate, and other B vitamins. Black beans and navy beans are particularly rich in antioxidants.

Beans also offer a variety of health benefits including reducing cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure, and boosting heart health.

You can make delicious bean dishes such as hummus or soup with minimal preparation time. Beans are versatile and can be combined with almost any food item to make them healthier and more nutritious.

Try adding black beans to your next Mexican meal or as refried beans on top of your favorite dishes like nachos or burritos!

8) Watermelon

This sweet, refreshing fruit is great to eat on its own and even better in watermelon ice cubes! Watermelon contains vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and lycopene.

It’s also relatively low in calories—one cup of diced watermelon has just 48 calories. Fresh is best here, but you can also freeze watermelon in your ice cube tray for juicy fruit popsicles all summer long.

9) Brown Rice

Brown rice contains fiber, protein, and important vitamins and minerals. Most importantly, it is low in fat—and helps keep your heart healthy by reducing cholesterol.

Brown rice also has an alkaline-forming effect on your body, which means it will raise your pH levels after you eat it.

This makes brown rice more favorable than white rice since white rice lowers your pH levels over time. Consuming too many acid-forming foods can lead to acidosis, which is associated with stomach cancer and other diseases.

By adding brown rice to your diet each day, you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor by keeping yourself alkaline.

10) Avocado

Avocados are full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which can lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL levels.

This delicious green fruit is also high in fiber, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins K and C—all essential nutrients for summertime health.

Add avocados to sandwiches and salads to add both flavor and nutrition to your diet. Just remember that one serving is only 3 ounces (1/2 cup) so you don’t go overboard! Avocados have been shown to aid in weight loss by improving digestion, balancing blood sugar levels, boosting energy levels, and even improving satiety when eaten as a snack.

All these benefits combined with their rich flavor make them one of our favorite healthy foods.

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